Ayudha Puja song from Devara arriving soon."Devara" Hype Reaches Fever Pitch with Audio Launch and "Ayudhapuja" Song Announcement.
With just ten days until its worldwide release, Jr. NTR's highly anticipated "Devara" continues to build momentum. Directed by Koratala Siva, the film promises an adrenaline-fueled action drama that will captivate audiences.
The already released posters, teaser, trailer, and songs have garnered an overwhelmingly positive response, further amplifying the excitement surrounding the movie.
The promotions are in full swing with a grand audio launch event set to take place in Chennai. The entire film unit, including Jr. NTR and director Koratala Siva, will be present. Lyricist Rama Jogaiah Shastri has further heightened anticipation by confirming that the highly anticipated song, "Ayudhapuja," will be released either tomorrow or the day after.
Fans are ecstatic about the upcoming song, which the makers have touted as a highlight of the film. The anticipation is palpable as everyone eagerly awaits the release of "Ayudhapuja" and the potential sensation it could create.