Prabhas, the Pan India star, was delighted to receive a thoughtful gift from his Kalki 2898 AD co-star Kamal Haasan. The Tamil Superstar sent Prabhas a present from his clothing brand 'KH House of Khaddar', leaving him thrilled and grateful. Prabhas took to Instagram to express his thanks, writing, "Thank You for the kind gesture Kamal Hassan Sir...Wishing you all the best with your new collection in your clothing line - KH House of Khaddar".
Kamal Haasan launched his clothing brand in 2021 in Chicago and later in India on Republic Day in 2022. The brand, KH House of Khaddar, aims to promote Khadi, a traditional Indian fabric, and make it relatable to the young urban market. On National Handloom day, Kamal Haasan shared a post on Instagram, wearing a loominaire collection from his brand, emphasizing that "Khadi is not just a fabric, it's a movement!"
The mission of KH House of Khaddar is to save the art of Khadi and make it cool and appealing to the younger generation. The brand's official statement highlights its goal of promoting Khadi and supporting the artisans who create this traditional fabric.
Prabhas's appreciation for Kamal Haasan's gift reflects the camaraderie and respect between the two actors. The exchange also highlights the importance of promoting traditional Indian fabrics like Khadi and supporting initiatives that preserve cultural heritage.