Jayam Ravi, the renowned actor from Kollywood , announced his divorce from his wife Aarti, citing 'personal reasons'. However, his wife Aarti has now come forward claiming that the decision to divorce was not mutual, and Jayam Ravi made the announcement without her consent. The couple, who have been married for 15 years and have two sons together, had been subject to rumors about their relationship before Jayam Ravi's public announcement.
Aarti has released a statement expressing her shock and disappointment at Jayam Ravi's decision to share the news publicly without discussing it with her first. She claims to have tried to address their marital issues with him but was unsuccessful. Aarti felt compelled to share her side of the story after facing personal attacks on social media following Jayam Ravi's announcement.
The sudden turn of events has left fans and followers stunned, as the couple was perceived to have a strong and stable marriage. Jayam Ravi's initial announcement had seemed amicable, but Aarti's revelations have added a layer of complexity to the situation.
As the news continues to unfold, fans and well-wishers are eagerly awaiting further updates on the situation. The divorce announcement has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry, and many are hoping for a resolution that works in the best interests of all parties involved, especially their two young sons, Aarav and Aryan.