Nikhil's upcoming Pan India film, Swayambhu, directed by Bharat Krishnamachari, has unveiled the first look of Samyuktha on her birthday. The film, marking Nikhil's 20th movie, features him as a legendary warrior in a periodic war backdrop. Samyuktha and Nabha Natesh play the lead roles opposite Nikhil.
The first look poster showcases Samyuktha as a courageous warrior, equipped with a shield and wielding a bow and arrow. The film boasts an impressive technical crew, including music composer Ravi Basrur, cinematographer KK Senthil Kumar, and production designer M Prabhaharan.
Swayambhu is produced by Bhuvan and Sreekar under Pixel Studios, with Tagore Madhu presenting the film. The movie is expected to be an epic war drama, with Nikhil playing a pivotal role as a legendary warrior.
Swayambhu is being made as a large-scale production with a massive budget and top-notch technical standards.With its talented cast and crew, this Pan India project is set to be a milestone in Nikhil's career.