Nayanthara is currently in Bengaluru for the filming of her upcoming movie, "Toxic," directed by Malayalam filmmaker Geetu Mohandas. The film, which stars Yash in a pivotal role, has Nayanthara playing his sister, with significant scenes already filmed during her four days on set. While in Bengaluru, Nayanthara took the opportunity to catch the much-anticipated film "Greatest of All Time" (GOAT), starring Vijay, at a local theater, showcasing her support for fellow actors in the industry.
Nayanthara's visit to Bengaluru coincided with the release of Vijay's "GOAT," which premiered on September 5. She was spotted enjoying the film at Swagath Shankar Theatre on MG Road, with a photo from the event quickly going viral among fans. This chance sighting highlights Nayanthara's dedication to her craft and her willingness to engage with the latest releases in the industry.
The last year has been significant for Nayanthara, following the success of her blockbuster film "Jawan." Her return to Kannada cinema with "Toxic," scheduled for release in April 2025, has excited fans across the South Indian film industry. With her involvement in high-profile projects like "Toxic" and her enthusiasm for supporting fellow actors, Nayanthara continues to solidify her position as a leading lady in South Indian cinema.
As Nayanthara continues filming "Toxic" on the outskirts of Bengaluru, fans eagerly await the release of this highly anticipated movie. With her talent, dedication, and passion for the craft, Nayanthara is set to deliver another impressive performance, further cementing her status as a beloved and respected actress in the South Indian film industry.