L2 Empuraan, the highly anticipated sequel to the Lucifer franchise, is nearing the final stages of production. Directed by Prithviraj Sukumaran and starring Mohanlal, the film began rolling in October 2023. After a brief schedule break, the next phase of shooting is set to commence in Abu Dhabi, with Tovino Thomas joining the cast. The team plans to wrap up the Abu Dhabi schedule within two weeks, following which Prithviraj Sukumaran will focus on completing the film.
Tovino Thomas, who played Jatin Ramdas in Lucifer, will reprise his role in L2 Empuraan, with a longer screentime and combination scenes with Mohanlal. The actor has been part of the USA and Gujarat schedules and is expected to have a significant presence in the sequel. The film also features returning cast members Manju Warrier, Indrajith Sukumaran, Baiju Santhosh, Sai Kumar, Shivaji Guruvayoor, Saniya Iyappan, and others, along with new additions Suraj Venjaramoodu, Arjun Das, Sharaf U Dheen, and Shine Tom Chacko.
As the production nears completion, fans are eagerly awaiting the release of L2 Empuraan, expected to hit theaters in March 2025. The film's success is highly anticipated, given the popularity of the Lucifer franchise and the talented cast and crew involved. With Prithviraj Sukumaran at the helm, audiences can expect a captivating narrative and memorable performances.
The Lucifer franchise has garnered immense popularity, and L2 Empuraan is set to be a milestone in the series. As the film's release approaches, fans are excited to witness the next chapter in the story, with Mohanlal and Tovino Thomas leading the cast. The Abu Dhabi schedule marks a significant milestone in the production, and the team is working diligently to bring the film to life.