The recent floods in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have caused widespread devastation, resulting in loss of life, property damage, and disruption of normal life. In response, Telugu film stars have come forward to coNtribute to flood relief efforts. Ntr has announced a donation of Rs 50 lakh each to the Chief Minister Relief Funds of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, expressing his distress at the devastation and hoping for a swift return to normalcy.
Vishwak Sen has also joined the relief efforts, announced a total donation of ₹10 lakhs, with ₹5 lakhs each to the Andhra Pradesh CM Relief Fund and the Telangana CM Relief Fund, aimed at helping the victims of the recent floods. These coNtributions from Telugu film stars demonstrate their commitment to supporting those affected by the floods. The donations will aid in providing essential relief and rehabilitation to those in need.
The floods have affected several districts in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, with many people still waiting for help. The governments are working to provide necessary assistance, and the coNtributions from film stars like Ntr and Vishwak Sen will support these efforts.
The Telugu film industry has a history of coNtributing to social causes, and the current flood relief efforts are no exception. The donations from Ntr and Vishwak Sen are a testament to the industry's commitment to supporting those in need. As the relief efforts continue, it is hoped that others will follow their lead and coNtribute to the cause.