Ashwin Babu, who impressed audiences with his performance in "Hidimba," returns with a new action drama, "Shivam Bhaje," directed by Apsar. Despite its promising trailer, the film failed to make a mark at the box office. However, with Amazon Prime Video acquiring its digital rights, "Shivam Bhaje" is now available for streaming on the platform.
The film's unique concept revolves around the protagonist, played by Ashwin Babu, who loses his eyes in an accident and receives a dog's eyes in a mistaken transplant. The twist? The dog belongs to the police, leading to a thrilling narrative of how a man with canine eyes unleashes a significant terrorist activity.
The film boasts an impressive cast, including Arbaaz Khan, who makes a comeback to Telugu cinema as the main villain, alongside Digangana Suryavanshi, Brahmaji, and Hyper Aadi in key roles. Despite its box office performance, the makers have found solace in the OTT deal, thanks to producer Maheshwara Reddy Mooli's strategic decision.
With its engaging storyline and notable cast, "Shivam Bhaje" is now accessible to a wider audience on Amazon Prime Video. If you're looking for an action-packed thriller with a unique premise, this film is definitely worth checking out.