Thangalaan, the period action drama starring Chiyaan Vikram and directed by Pa. Ranjith, has emerged as a box office success since its Independence Day release, grossing nearly Rs 100 crore worldwide. The film marked Vikram's career-best opening day collection of Rs 26 crore globally and continues to perform well, especially in Tamil Nadu, despite facing stiff competition in its second week. With an expanded screen count of 141 screens in Andhra-Telangana, Thangalaan's strong reception is evident, and its North India release on August 30th is expected to further boost its box office numbers.
Produced by Studio Green Films' K. E. Gnanavelraja, Thangalaan features stellar performances by Vikram, Parvathy Thiruvothu, Malavika Mohanan, Daniel Caltagirone, and Pasupathy. Set against the historical backdrop of the Kolar Gold Fields in the 18th and 19th centuries, the film is supported by G.V. Prakash Kumar's award-winning music, making it a must-watch period drama.
Thangalaan is a period action drama enriched with elements of magical realism, produced by Pa Ranjith and KE Gnanavel Raja under the Studio Green Films banner, in collaboration with Neelam Productions. The film stars Parvathy Thiruvothu and Malavika Mohanan in pivotal roles, adding to the film's dynamic appeal.
As Thangalaan continues to draw viewers to theaters, its continued success and growing theatrical presence underscore its widespread appeal and the impact it has had on audiences. With its creative excellence and the enduring charm of its lead actors, Thangalaan stands as a testament to the power of period dramas to captivate and inspire audiences.