SS Rajamouli, the acclaimed director of Oscar Winning RRR, is set to collaborate with Mahesh Babu on an upcoming adventure drama. Although the project has been in the works for some time, the official announcement is still pending, leaving fans eager for updates. The film is expected to be shot globally, with rumors suggesting a title of Garuda and potential involvement from Hollywood stars.
KL Narayana is producing the film on a grand scale, with pre-production currently underway. However, the delay in the official announcement is attributed to Rajamouli's ongoing negotiations with a prominent Hollywood studio. Once the deal is finalized, the film is expected to be announced internationally.
Mahesh Babu is preparing for the role by bulking up and growing his hair, hinting at a distinct new look. The music composition will be handled by MM Keeravani, with the story penned by Vijayendra Prasad, Rajamouli's father. As fans await the film's commencement, they are eager to know when the project will officially take off.
The collaboration between Rajamouli and Mahesh Babu has generated significant buzz, with fans expecting a grand and action-packed adventure drama. The film's scale and international involvement suggest a massive production, further heightening anticipation among fans.