The first line that catches the attention of viewers on Ramgopal Varma’s ‘Raktha Charitra’ posters is the caption ‘Pratheekaarame Parama Sopanam – Bhagawadgita’ which shows that his movie is based on blood shed vengeance. Here comes the twist as few of Hindu Religious Organizations and Swamijis who preach the essence of ‘Bhagawadgita’ to the World are warning Varma to stop using the false statements in the name of ‘Bhagawadgita’ for the sake of his publicity.
‘Can Varma show where is the Shloka mentioned in Gita? He is insulting the sentiments of Hindu people with his cheap publicity. Varma should remove this line from ‘Raktha Charitra’ posters immediately,’ warned Hindu Religious Organizations.
Who knows, Varma might have already learnt ‘Gita’ for his ‘Raktha Charitra.’