Arshad Warsi and Rajkumar Hirani, the iconic duo behind the Munna Bhai franchise, are reuniting for a new project, Pritam Pedro, a crime drama series for Disney+ Hotstar. Warsi joins Vikrant Massey in the show, which follows two cops with contrasting methods as they team up to solve cases. The series, helmed by Amir Satyaveer Singh and produced by Hirani, blends crime drama with humor, a signature style of the acclaimed filmmaker.
Pritam Pedro, currently in pre-production, is set to begin shooting in November 2025 in Goa, Mumbai, and Pune. The show's plot revolves around the unlikely partnership between Pritam, a seasoned cop played by Warsi, and Pedro, a tech-savvy cop portrayed by Massey. Their differing ideologies will lead to a clash, making for an engaging storyline.
Rajkumar Hirani, known for his comedies, is exploring a new genre with Pritam Pedro, which promises to be a gripping crime drama with his signature humor. The show's release window has not been announced yet, but fans are eagerly anticipating the reunion of Warsi and Hirani.
The addition of Arshad Warsi to the cast of Pritam Pedro has generated excitement, to see the actor in a new avatar. With Hirani's directing a couple of episodes too and the talented cast, the series is expected to be a thrilling ride, blending action, humor, and drama.