Varun Dhawan has confirmed his involvement in the highly anticipated film Border 2, a sequel to J P Dutta's 1997 war epic Border. The actor shared a heartfelt note on Instagram, recalling his childhood memories of watching Border in a cinema hall and feeling a sense of national pride. He expressed his admiration for the armed forces and his excitement to be a part of the film.
Varun Dhawan joins Sunny Deol in the star cast of Border 2, which is scheduled for release on January 23, 2026. The film will be directed by Anurag Singh and produced by J P Dutta, Nidhi Dutta, Bhushan Kumar, and Krishan Kumar. Sunny Deol welcomed Varun to the "battalion of Border 2" on Instagram, marking the beginning of their on-screen collaboration.
Border 2 is touted as "India's biggest war film" and promises to bring a valiant jawaan's story to the screen. Varun Dhawan is eager to be a part of this monumental project, which is a sequel to one of his favorite films. With its talented cast and crew, Border 2 is expected to be a cinematic masterpiece.
The announcement of Varun Dhawan's involvement in Border 2 has generated significant buzz in the film industry. Industry circle and audiences are eagerly awaiting the release of the film, which promises to be an action-packed and emotionally charged tribute to India's armed forces. Border 2 is scheduled for January 23, 2026 release in theatres.