Nava Dhalapathy Sudheer Babu is set to take a new step in his career with the pan-India cinematic universe, Jatadhara, a Telugu-Hindi bilingual film produced by Prerna Arora, Shivin Narang, and Venkat Kalyan. The film marks Sudheer Babu's grand entry into a supernatural fantasy world. The unveiling of the first look has already set social media abuzz, with Sudheer Babu's captivating and intense appearance hinting at a character that is both mysterious and powerful.
The first look poster presents Sudheer Babu in a powerful and strong avatar, flaunting his six-pack abs in a shirtless pose, standing in front of Lord Shiva's image with a trident in his hand. The excitement is palpable, especially with th announcement that a leading Bollywood heroine will be joining the cast, along with an A-lister who will portray the film's powerful antagonist.
The film is backed by producer Prerna Arora, who has a roster of films that have not only been commercial successes but have also earned critical acclaim and national awards. With such a pedigree, the expectations for Jatadhara are high. The pre-production is already in full swing. The shooting is set to commence soon in Hyderabad.
Jatadhara is set for a grand release on Mahashivratri 2025, promising to be a massive cinematic event. The film aims to push boundaries and create a lasting impact, blending mythology, supernatural elements, and intense storytelling into a cinematic experience.