The Geetha Gangsters, Karthik Khiladis, and Thaman Trendsetters from Telugu Indian Idol 3 faced off at Anurag University, in Ghatkesar, Hyderabad on Wednesday. The event began with a lively exchange of movie dialogues, followed by each team performing two songs to entertain the audience.
Contestants Sai Vallabha, Bharath, Anirudh, Nazeer, and Abhignya showcased their vocal prowess and stage presence, creating an electrifying atmosphere that had the audience cheering and applauding. The event's highlight was a dynamic game round where teams competed to sing songs from movies featuring actors named by the moderator. This spontaneous and interactive segment brought an extra layer of excitement and enjoyment to the musical event.
Throughout the event, the contestants engaged actively with the students, offering insights into their musical journeys and sharing anecdotes that added a personal touch. Their interactions fostered a deeper connection with the audience, who were not only entertained but also inspired by the performers' stories.
The house was packed with an enthusiastic audience, with every seat occupied by students eager to witness the performances of the Aha Telugu Indian Idol season 3. The day concluded on a high note with a heartfelt vote of thanks, leaving a lasting impression on all students.