Utsavam, an upcoming Telugu drama film, is set to release on September 13, featuring a talented ensemble cast including Prakash Raj, Brahmanandam, Nassar, Rajendra Prasad, Ali, Raghu Babu, and Priyadarshi. The film's Telugu theatrical rights have been acquired by Mythri Movie Makers, while Hombale Films holds the Karnataka rights. Written and directed by Arjun Sai, Utsavam stars Dilip Prakash and Regina Cassandra in lead roles, with a supporting cast of prominent actors playing theatre artists.
The film's technical crew includes Ramana Gopisetti as dialogue writer, Rasool Ellore as cinematographer, and Kotagiri Venkateshwar Rao as editor, with music composed by Anup Rubens. Produced by Suresh Patil under Hornbill Productions, Utsavam is touted as a drama-musical with intriguing elements, exploring the revival of theatre play and its importance. The film's teaser, unveiled in January, showcases its slice-of-life nature, generating interest among audiences.
The acquisition of Utsavam's theatrical rights by Mythri Movie Makers and Hombale Films highlights the film's potential for a wide release. As the release date approaches, viewers are eagerly awaiting the film's arrival, anticipating a captivating drama that celebrates the world of theatre.
Utsavam's unique blend of drama and music, combined with its exploration of the importance of theatre play, makes it an interesting film to watch for. With its talented cast, including Prakash Raj, Brahmanandam, and Regina Cassandra, the film is poised to make an impact on audiences. Utsavam to release on September 13 in theatres.