Naga Shaurya's next venture, directed by debutant Raam Desina and produced by Srinivasarao Chinthalapudi under Sri Vaishnavi Films, has begun its regular shoot today. This high-budget film is crucial in Shaurya's career as he aims for a major hit and a strong comeback. The story is said to be prepared with universal appeal.
The film boasts a distinguished cast, including Samuthirakani, Rajendra Prasad, Saikumar, Mime Gopi, and Sridevi Vijaykumar, along with Renowned cinematographer Rasool Ellore will handle the camera work, while Harris Jayaraj will compose the music.
The production team includes writer and director Raam Desina, producer Srinivasarao Chinthalapudi under the banner of Sri Vaishnavi Films. The film is billed to be an action entertainer, with a story that promises to captivate audiences.
With a strong cast and crew, this film is set to be a comeback film for Naga Shaurya. The regular shoot of the film commences. Director Ramesh is making his debut with this film. He has worked for Gautam Menon, Sreenu Vaitla and YVS Chowdary along with writing for many films.