Man Of Masses Ntr has joined hands with high voltage director Prasanth Neel, which is tentatively titled as #NtrNeel. The film has been officially launched today in Hyderabad. The film is a joint collaboration of Mythri Movie Makers and Ntr Arts. Rashmika Mandanna is reportedly set to star alongside Jr Ntr in the upcoming film #NtrNeel. Although an official announcement is yet to be made, sources suggest that Rashmika has been finalized as the female lead.
This period crime film, set in 1969, is expected to be a massive project, with Jr Ntr potentially playing the role of Drug Lord Khun Sa, also known as the Opium King. Khun Sa was a notorious drug lord who operated on the borders of China, Bhutan, and India, causing geopolitical tensions. The area notoriously linked with the Golden Triangle.
Jr Ntr is likely to start shooting for Prashanth Neel's film after Devara, with Ravi Basur composing the soundtrack. The film is scheduled for release on January 9, 2026. With #NtrNeel potentially bringing this iNtriguing historical moment to the big screen, speculation is rife that Jr Ntr could be portraying a character inspired by Khun Sa.
Prashanth Neel's direction and Jr Ntr's performance are highly anticipated, making this film a plum project for Rashmika Mandanna after Pushpa. The combination of Jr Ntr and Prashanth Neel is expected to create an ultra-mass film, with fans eagerly awaiting more updates on the project.