Kamal Haasan, a renowned actor and politician, has officially announced his departure from hosting Bigg Boss Tamil due to his prior cinematic commitments. As the channel searches for his replacement, Kamal Haasan has begun working on his upcoming film, KH 237, directed by stunt coordinator duo Anbariv. This film marks Anbariv's directorial debut and is expected to be an action drama, given their expertise in stunt coordination.
The shooting for KH 237 is slated to begin in September or October, with pre-production work already underway. The film is jointly produced by Kamal Haasan and Mahendran under the prestigious banner of Raaj Kamal Films International. While the title and star cast are yet to be revealed, the film has generated significant hype, especially with Anbariv at the helm.
Kamal Haasan's latest release, Indian 2, failed to impress at the box office, making his upcoming projects highly anticipated. KH 237 is one of his most eagerly awaited films, alongside Thug Life, which is directed by ace filmmaker Mani Ratnam. The release date for KH 237 is yet to be announced, but the film's genre and cast have already created a buzz in the industry.
Thug Life boasts an impressive cast, including Silambarasan, Trisha, Nasser, Gautham Karthik, Ashok Selvan, and Aishwarya Lekshmi, among others. With music by AR Rahman, the film is touted to be a gangster drama, adding to its allure. As Kamal Haasan focuses on his cinematic commitments, fans eagerly await updates on his upcoming projects, including KH 237 and Thug Life.