Barroz, the highly anticipated Malayalam film directed by Mohanlal, is facing legal issues related to copyright infringement, leaving fans wondering if the trailer and theatrical release will be postponed. The film's makers have been served with a legal notice by George Thundiparambil, a German-Malayalam writer, who alleges that the narrative of Barroz shares similarities with his 2008 novel Maya. The movie, initially set to release on March 28, has already faced postponements due to extended post-production work and was recently confirmed for an Onam release.
The 3D fantasy film, produced by Antony Perumbavoor with a budget of Rs 100 crore, boasts state-of-the-art technology and features Mohanlal as a 300-year-old guardian ghost watching over Vasco Da Gama's treasure. The film's trailer is expected to release on September 6 at an event in Abu Dhabi, followed by its theatrical release on September 12. However, the copyright infringement allegations may impact these plans.
The film's journey began in 2021, with a different star cast, including late actor Pratap Pothen and Prithviraj Sukumaran. However, the director, Mohanlal decided to scrap the filmed scenes and restart with a fresh cast. The movie's fans have been eagerly awaiting updates on the cast and crew, and the recent news was well-received.
As the makers navigate the legal issues, fans remain hopeful for a timely release of Barroz. With its impressive budget and cutting-edge technology, the film is expected to be a visual treat. Mohanlal's fans are eagerly anticipating his performance as the 300-year-old guardian ghost, and also his directorial debut.