Actress Rakul Preet Singh, once the busiest star in Tollywood, has faced failures and shifted her focus to Bollywood. Despite having no films in her kitty, Rakul remains committed to her business ventures in Hyderabad, a city she considers her second home. She has already invested in a posh residence and a gym chain in the city. Now, Rakul has expanded her business portfolio by opening an organic millet restaurant named Arambam in Madhapur, Hyderabad.
Arambam aims to popularize organic millets, ancient grains packed with nutrients, including pearl millet, finger millet, foxtail millet, and proso millet. Millets are rich in fiber, protein, and minerals like magnesium and phosphorus, making them a gluten-free option. Rakul's restaurant venture showcases her dedication to promoting healthy eating habits.
Rakul's business endeavors continue despite recent challenges, including her brother Aman Preet's legal troubles. Her marriage to Bollywood producer Jackie Bhagnani has also kept her in the news. However, Rakul remains focused on her business goals, leveraging her celebrity status to promote her ventures.
With Arambam, Rakul Preet Singh joins the growing list of celebrities venturing into the food business. Her commitment to promoting organic millets and healthy eating habits is admirable, and her restaurant is likely to attract health-conscious foodies in Hyderabad. She was last seen in 'Bharateeyudu 2'.