The devastating landslide in Kerala's Wayanad district has claimed over 280 lives, with the death toll expected to rise. The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Army, Local Police, and Firefighters are working tirelessly on the relief efforts, now in their third day. The disaster has shaken the nation, with mortal remains being found miles away from the main affected region.
In response to this tragedy, actors Jyotika, Karthi, and Suriya have donated Rs. 50 Lakhs to the CM Relief Fund to support the Kerala Landslide relief work. This generous contribution aims to aid the affected families and individuals in Wayanad. The actors have also expressed their deepest condolences to the families and people of Kerala, who are going through an extremely difficult time.
The donation from Jyotika, Karthi, and Suriya is a testament to the compassion and empathy of their family towards the victims of the Kerala Landslide. Their contribution will undoubtedly make a significant difference in the relief efforts, providing essential support to those affected.
As the relief work continues, the nation stands in solidarity with the people of Kerala. The donation from Jyotika, Karthi, and Suriya serves as an inspiration for others to come forward and contribute to the relief efforts, helping to mitigate the impact of this devastating natural disaster.