Lakshya, a popular television actor, made his Bollywood debut as the lead actor in the highly anticipated film Kill, which hit cinemas on July 5, 2024. Despite facing stiff competition from Prabhas and Deepika Padukone's Kalki 2898 AD, Kill has received positive reviews from fans and critics alike and has had a good run in cinemas. The film, directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat and produced by Karan Johar, has been billed as one of India's most violent films.
Kill has taken an unconventional route by releasing on OTT platforms just 18 days after its theatrical debut, deviating from the typical two-month gap. The film is currently available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Apple, and Google as a premium video-on-demand (PVOD) title, but only for overseas viewers. Audiences in the US and UK can watch the film by paying $24.99 on Amazon Prime Video or through Video on Demand (VOD) on Apple TV.
However, Indian OTT viewers will have to wait until September to watch Kill on digital platforms. The film features an ensemble cast, including Adrija Sinha, Raghav Juyal, and Ashish Vidyarthi, in key roles. Jointly produced by Karan Johar, Guneet Monga, Apoorva Mehta, and Achin Jain, Kill had its world premiere in the Midnight Madness section of the Toronto International Film Festival on September 7, 2023.
As Kill makes its way to OTT platforms, fans are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to watch the intense action thriller. With its unique release strategy and positive word-of-mouth, Kill registered good boxoffice numbers for its limited budget. It is made with a budget of Rs 10+ crores and collected theatrical revenue of Rs 20 Crores.