Dev Gill, renowned for his iconic villainous role in Ram Charan and SS Rajamouli's Magadheera, is set to make his debut as a hero in the upcoming action drama, Aho Vikramaarka in Telugu. Directed by Peta Trikoti, the film is scheduled for a theatrical release on August 30. Aho Vikramaarka boasts an ensemble cast, including Pravin Tarde, Sayaji Shinde, Posani Murali Krishna, Tejaswini Pandit, and Chitra Shukla, alongside Dev Gill, who plays a vigilante cop determined to rescue a village oppressed by local mafia.
The film's technical crew includes Ravi Basrur, known for his work in KGF and Salaar, as the background score composer. Karam Chawla N and Guru Prasad N handle the cinematography, while Tammiraju is the editor and Real Satish is the action choreographer. Aho Vikramaarka is produced by Aarti Devinder Gill, Meehir Kulkarni, and Aswini Kumar Misra in association with Ward Wizard Entertainment, with plans for a pan-India release in multiple languages.
As Dev Gill transitions from villainous roles to playing the hero, in Aho Vikramaarka. The film's high-voltage cop action story promises an exciting cinematic experience, with Dev Gill's character taking center stage as a savior of the oppressed village.
With its talented cast and crew, Aho Vikramaarka is poised to be a transformative film in Dev Gill's career. As Dev Gill embarks on this new chapter as a hero, Aho Vikramaarka marks an exciting milestone in his journey which is slated to hit the theatres on August 30.