Harish Shankar, a prominent name in Telugu cinema, is often labelled a "remake director" due to his penchant for adapting successful Hindi films. His career-defining hit "Gabbar Singh" was a remake of "Dabangg," and his most recent film "Gaddalakonda Ganesh" was a remake of "Jigarthanda."
His upcoming film, "Mr. Bachchan," a remake of "Raid," is set to release on August 15th. This announcement has ignited a debate on social media, with one user urging Shankar to abandon remakes and focus on original stories.
The user, referencing Shankar's successful original films "Mirapakay" and "Shock," implored him to return to his "magic" as a writer and deliver a "banger" with "Mr. Bachchan."
In response, Harish Shankar confidently challenged the netizen, stating that "Mr. Bachchan" wouldn't feel like a remake after watching it. He assured the user of his accessibility on social media for further discussion, emphasizing that he is the "most social media-friendly director."
Shankar maintains that "Mr. Bachchan," while inspired by "Raid," will retain its soul while offering a distinct cinematic experience. The film stars Ravi Teja and Bhagyashree Bhorse in the lead roles.
With "Mr. Bachchan" on the horizon, Harish Shankar aims to prove that he can successfully translate existing stories into unique and entertaining narratives, silencing his critics and captivating audiences once again.