Anand Tiwari's latest directorial venture, Bad Newz, made a strong debut in Indian cinemas, pulling in nearly Rs 9 crore on its opening day, as per reports from the film's producers. Co-produced by Anand Tiwari, Hiroo Yash Johar, Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta, and Amritpal Singh Bindra, the film marks a significant milestone for Dharma Productions.
Starring Vicky Kaushal in the lead role, Bad Newz kicked off its box-office journey impressively. Dharma Productions shared the film's initial day earnings on social media, exclaiming, "Congra-kalesh-tions! Pehele din pe hi #BadNewz ne sabka dil jeet liya!" Alongside a vibrant poster, the studio announced a net collection of Rs 8.62 crore.
With its impressive opening, Bad Newz has shattered the opening-day records of Vicky Kaushal's previous films. This movie has proven to be the actor's highest-grossing opener to date. Check out the list of Vicky Kaushal's top 5 grossing openers below:
1) Bad News - 8.62 crore
2) Uri: The Surgical Strike (2019) Rs 8.25 crore
3) Sam Bahadur (2023) - Rs 6.25 crore
4) Zara Hatke Zara Bachke (2023) - Rs 5.49 crore
5) Bhoot: The Haunted Ship (2020) - Rs 5.10 crore