Rajinikanth tried to touch Amitabh feet. Veteran actors Amitabh Bachchan and Rajinikanth, two iconic figures of Indian cinema, graced the Shubh Aashirwad ceremony of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant on Saturday with their presence.
A video capturing a heartwarming interaction between the two legends has surfaced online. As they greeted each other, Rajinikanth, in a gesture of respect, attempted to touch Amitabh's feet. However, Amitabh quickly held his hands, warmly embraced him, and then shook hands, engaging in a conversation.
Amitabh looked dapper in a colorful sherwani and shawl, while Rajinikanth sported a crisp white outfit.
The video has garnered immense love and appreciation from fans online. Comments poured in praising the duo's humility and respect for each other. "The love and respect these two deserve," wrote one fan. "Two legends in a frame," remarked another. "How humble great people are," added a third.
The heartwarming gesture of respect and camaraderie between the two cinematic icons highlights their humility and the enduring power of their legendary status. Amitabh and Rajinikanth were also present at Anant and Radhika's wedding ceremony, which took place on Friday.