The trailer of ‘Sarangadariya’ starring Raja Raveendar, has been released by Actor Nikhil. The trailer gives a glimpse of the film which promises to be an emotional roller-coaster ride, with a middle class family backdrop.
Raja Raveendar is seen as a Middle class father and a teacher in the trailer and he seems delivered his best as an actor. The story has in-depth dialogues by Vinay Kotti, connecting to social elements which draw to a conclusion as a message oriented film.
Sarangadariya directed by Padmarao Abbisetti, a debutant, is all set to release on July 12. Meanwhile Umadevi and Sarath Chandra are producing the film under the banner of Saija Creations.
The film’s teaser and two songs have already received a positive response. Apart from Raja Raveendra, the film features well-known actors like Sreekanth Iyengar, Vijayamma among the other actors.