Disha Patani PD secret revealed. Disha Patani, known for her role as Roxie in the recent blockbuster "Kalki 2898 AD" alongside Prabhas, recently ignited a frenzy amongst fans with a mysterious tattoo. A photo of Disha sporting a tattoo reading “PD” on her inner left elbow was shared on Instagram, sparking rumours and fan theories.
The caption, “Amused to see so much curiosity around my tattoo! Discover what the joy is all about!” further fueled speculation. Many decoded “PD” as "Prabhas Darling," hinting at a possible dedication to her co-star.
However, Disha expertly quelled the gossip with a new Instagram video, revealing the truth behind the seemingly permanent ink. The “PD” tattoo was actually a temporary one, sported for the promotions of Amazon Prime Day 2024. The tattoo, cleverly designed to generate buzz, actually stood for "Prime Day."
Disha's playful prank and her ability to cleverly manage media attention showcase her understanding of online engagement.
On the professional front, Disha Patani continues to impress with upcoming projects. She will star alongside Suriya in the highly anticipated "Kanguva," directed by Siva Siruthai, slated for release on October 10, 2024.