The Birthday Boy starring Ravi Krishna, Sameer Malla, and Rajeev Kankala are set to captivate audiences in the upcoming comedy drama film. Produced under the banner of Bomma Borusa and directed by Vishy. Scheduled to release on July 19, the film has already garnered attention with its promising title glimpses and teaser.
The recently released teaser of ‘The Birthday Boy’ opens with heartwarming birthday wishes for the protagonist, setting a cheerful tone. Packed with entertaining scenes, the teaser promises a fresh cinematic experience. Viewers have been buzzing about the film since the teaser's release, eagerly anticipating its theatrical debut.
Director Vishy shared insights into the film, describing it as a comedy drama centered around five childhood friends' overseas adventures during their M.S. studies. Each character and scene in the movie is crafted to offer something new and entertaining, ensuring a lively cinematic journey for the audience.
'The Birthday Boy’ features a talented ensemble cast including Ravi Krishna, Sameer Malla, Rajeev Kankala, Pramodini, Vaka Mani, Raja Ashok, Venkatesh, Sai Arun, and Rahul in pivotal roles. Sankeerth Rahul handling cinematography and Prashanth Srinivas composing the music.