With just three months to go for the release of Vijay's much-anticipated upcoming film The Greatest of All Time (GOAT), director Venkat Prabhu took to his Instagram handle to share that the post production work for the film is going on at full swing. He shared a picture of himself standing infront of Lola Visual Effects company which is in the US.
With Meenakshi Chaudhary playing the female lead, the ensemble cast of the film also includes Prashanth, Ajmal Ameer, Sneha, Laila, Prabhudeva, Mohan, and Jayaram. Venkat Prabhu regulars like Vaibhav, Premgi, Ajai Raj, and Aravind Akash are also part of the cast. Late actor and politician Vijayakanth's character will appear in the film with the help of AI technology.
The makers had previously released a glimpse of the film on Vijay's birthday which showed the actor playing dual roles and involved in a high-octane chase sequence with a few masked men. The video ended with the actor along with a person who looks like his younger version on a bike, wielding gun and about to shoot their targets.
GOAT has music by Yuvan Shankar Raja, cinematography by Siddhartha Nuni, editing by Venkat Raajen, art direction by Rajeevan, and action choreography by Dileep Subbarayan. Archana Kalpathi has produced the film under the AGS Entertainment banner. The film is scheduled to hit theatres on September 5 this year.