Deepika startling revelation about her baby bump. Bollywood star Deepika Padukone has described her experience working on her maiden Telugu film, "Kalki 2898 AD," as "incredible, fascinating, and unique."
Speaking about her time on the film, Deepika shared, "It was an incredible and fascinating experience working in 'Kalki.' We enjoyed working in a new world created by director Nag Ashwin, and it was a unique experience."
She lauded director Nag Ashwin's vision, stating that "the magic stored in his mind has finally taken shape" and provided an opportunity for every actor to showcase their talents in a different light. "As Amitabh ji stated, we all got new things to do," she added, highlighting the film's potential to showcase the cast's versatility.
Deepika also jokingly attributed her "baby bump" to the lavish food served by her co-star Prabhas. "My baby bump is due to the lavish food served by my co-star Prabhas, and I should blame it on him," she said, adding that "even other actors would vouch for his hospitality every day as we relished varied delicacies on the sets."
Deepika, known for her diverse roles in Hindi films like "Pathan" and "Fighter," has spent three years working on "Kalki 2898 AD." She emphasized the enriching nature of the experience, stating, "It was a great experience both professionally and personally too."
Fans are eagerly awaiting the release of "Kalki 2898 AD," which promises to be a visually stunning and epic film with an impressive star cast, including Deepika Padukone, Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan, and Kamal Haasan.