Mahesh Babu delights his fan. Mahesh Babu, renowned for his on-screen heroism, has once again demonstrated his kindness off-screen, this time by adopting the three young sons of a devoted fan.
Rajesh, a resident of Bapatla Kakarlamudi, is a fervent admirer of both Mahesh Babu and the legendary superstar Krishna. He has been battling serious health issues for some time, leaving his family in a precarious situation. To honor their love for Mahesh Babu, Rajesh named his three sons Arjun, Atidhi, and Agadu, after the superstar's popular films.
The eldest son, Arjun, is trying to support the family by doing small jobs, but their resources are meager. When Mahesh Babu learned of their plight, he made the heartwarming decision to adopt the three boys, ensuring their well-being and providing them with the necessary support.
This act of compassion has further solidified Mahesh Babu's status as a true hero in the eyes of his fans. He has consistently shown his generosity through various philanthropic endeavors, solidifying his reputation as a kind and selfless individual who goes beyond the call of duty to help those in need. His decision to adopt these three boys is a testament to his unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of his fans.