It has been an eagerly awaited six years since the charismatic Varun Tej mesmerized audiences with his iconic lover boy role. After the phenomenal success of "Toliprema," he embarked on an exciting journey with notable films such as "Gaddalakonda Ganesh," "Gandeevadhari Arjuna," and "Operation Valentine." Now, Varun Tej is set to enthrall fans once again with his upcoming venture, "Matka," under the direction of Karuna Kumar, promising a captivating and intense storyline.
Rumors are swirling that Varun Tej has given his approval to a script presented by director Vikram Sirikonda, renowned for his work on Ravi Teja's "Touch Chesi Chudu." To add to the excitement, it is said that Mythri Movie Makers, known for their grand productions, will be backing the project with a substantial budget, and preparations for casting are already underway.
Meanwhile, the production of "Matka" is gearing up for a fresh schedule in Hyderabad, commencing on June 19, 2024. Joining Varun Tej in this much-anticipated film are the talented actresses Nora Fatehi and Meenakshi Choudhary, who are set to play pivotal roles.
This collaboration between Vyra Entertainments and SRT Entertainments sets the stage for a cinematic masterpiece that is eagerly awaited by fans and cinephiles alike.