On Sunday, the makers of Sivakarthikeyan's next, tentatively titled SK23, announced that Vidyut Jammwal has been added to the film's cast. Also referred to as SKxARM, the film is helmed by AR Murugadoss and also stars Rukmini Vasanth in the lead. This is the first time Sivakarthikeyan and AR Murugadoss are coming together.
Vidyut has previously worked with AR Murugadoss in his 2012 film Thuppakki, in which he played the antagonist opposite Vijay. Vidyut is expected the play the villain in the upcoming film as well. Announcing his addition to the cast, the makers wrote on X, "Bringing back the villain who terrorized one and all." They also unveiled a video which shows the actor on the film's sets.
Notably, SK23 will be Sivakarthikeyan's first collaboration with director Murugadoss, although the filmmaker had previously written the former's sports-comedy film Maan Karate, directed by Krish Thirukumaran. The team recently began shooting the second schedule of the film.
Produced by Prasad N.V., the film's technical crew includes cinematographer Sudeep Elamon, editor A. Sreekar Prasad and music director Anirudh Ravichander. Vidyut Jammwal was also seen as a baddie in NTR's Oosaravelli in Telugu. Later he turned lead actor in Bollywood doing several action films.