Jagapathi Babu showers his love on Japan. Jagapathi Babu, popularly known as Jaggu Bhai, recently shared his delightful experiences from a trip to Japan with his fans. In a special video, he expressed his admiration for Japanese culture and the warm reception he received.
Jaggu Bhai started by addressing an issue with an event he attended in Japan on May 1st. He apologized for the inconvenience caused by the website crash that prevented many fans from attending. He promised to return to Japan to meet his fans again soon.
He shared his long-held dream of visiting Japan, a country he had wanted to explore for 30 years. Jaggu Bhai was pleasantly surprised to find Telugu-speaking people in Japan. He felt immense joy interacting with them, especially in shops and restaurants where people were very helpful and friendly.
Jaggu Bhai praised the discipline of the Japanese people. He noted the absence of garbage cans on the streets, as it is a common practice to take one's waste home. He was impressed by the honesty of the people, recounting an incident where he forgot his passport, which was returned to him the next day. He admired how Japanese culture emphasizes contentment and respect, allowing even celebrities to enjoy their privacy without disturbance.
At an Andhra restaurant, a fan wearing an 'RRR' T-shirt recognized him and approached for a photo, referring to his role in the movie 'Rangasthalam' as 'President.' He was touched by the fans' deep connection to his films, even recalling a flop film from 20 years ago. Their emotional responses, including crying and shaking while taking selfies, made him feel like a part of their family.
Though his trip to Japan had a different initial purpose, the experiences he had there were unforgettable and deeply meaningful. Jaggu Bhai’s heartfelt account highlighted his appreciation for Japanese culture and the incredible hospitality he received.
Overall, Jaggu Bhai's trip to Japan was an enriching experience, filled with cultural appreciation and warm interactions with fans, leaving a lasting impression on him and his followers.