Suhas has continued scoring decent successes with his latest film 'Prasanna Vadanam' which was released on May 3. With its unique and gripping storyline, the film gained good reviews and positive word of mouth. The film earned a considerable amount at the box office. Within a month of its release. To be precise, in three weeks tha fm is about to hit the OTT' now streaming marquee.
Audiences and critics have showered the film with positive reviews, praising various aspects such as the storyline and acting. Arjun YK, a.protege of Sukumar has made a promising debut with Prasanna Vadanam. Vijay Bulganin 's score elevated some scenes and generated desired impact. Now the film is all set to stream on OTT within three weeks of its theatrical release.
Aha has secured the OTT rights for Prasanna Vadanam. The OTT platform announced the premier date as May 24 with early 24 hour access to.its gold members i.e, from May 23. According to the South Indian film industry, films are typically released on digital platforms 45-60 days after their theatrical run. As Prasanna Vadanam was released only a few days ago, it is surprising to see the film releasing early in OTT.
The film’s storyline revolves around a young man with face blindness who gets entangled in a murder case, which further complicates his life. Directed by Arjun Yk, Prasanna Vadanam has been produced by Little Thoughts Cinemas. Alongside Suhas, the film also features Payal Radhakrishna, Rashi Singh, Nandu, Viva Harsha, Nithin Prasanna, and others. S. Chandrasekaran handled the cinematography, while Karthika Srinivas edited the film.