Raju Yadav backs off again. Raju Yadav, an upcoming Telugu movie, is creating quite a buzz, especially with the inclusion of Jabardasth fame comedian Getup Srinu as the lead actor. The film, directed by debutant Krishnamachary, had initially set a release date of May 17, 2024. However, the plans have changed, and the release has been postponed indefinitely. The news was shared by the actor himself through his social media accounts.
But fear not, as the makers later announced through social media that the movie is now slated for release on May 24, 2024. An exciting development for all the eager fans out there!
Alongside Getup Srinu, Ankita Kharat takes on the female lead role, and we can also expect noteworthy performances from Ananda Chakrapani, Rocket Raghava, Mirchi Hemanth, Jabardasth Sunny, Santosh Kalwacherla, and others in prominent roles.
The movie is jointly produced by K Prashant Reddy and Rajesh Kallepalli under the banners of Sai Varunavi Creations and Charisma Dreams Entertainment. Bringing the melodies to life is Harshvardhan Rameshwar, who has composed the captivating music, while the score is skillfully composed by Suresh Bobbil. With such a talented team behind it, Raju Yadav holds great promise for Telugu cinema enthusiasts.