Mrunal Thakur, the Bollywood actor who has been trying to score big since 2014 has become more popular in Tollywood with Blockbuster, 'Sita Ramam' co-starring Dulquer Salmaan. She didn't signed every film coming her way after the success of Sita Ramam. She chose Nani's 'Hi Nanna' and continued her success streak. Her latest film 'Family Star' with Vijay Deverakonda turned out to be her first failure in Telugu. Still she enjoys stardom in Tollywood.
Apart from her talent, Mrunal has swooned her millions of fans with her acting prowess and simplicity. Moreover, Mrunal is loved for her straightforward behaviour as she never hesitates about opening up on matters surrounding her. She has recently opened about freezing her eggs for future fertility. However, just like any other celebrity, she too, at times comes under the media scrutiny.
Recently, she raised her dating speculations with one-year younger actor, Siddhant Chaturvedi as they were spotted hanging out in an eatery in Mumbai. Mrunal Thakur and Siddhant Chaturvedi were spotted together at a food joint in Bandra, Mumbai. They were seen exiting the place together. Thus, while seeing off one another, Mrunal can be seen giving a tight hug to Siddhant.
Afterwards, the actor also held her hands and helped her climb down the stairs. For the outing, Mrunal opted for a blue corset top paired with black pants, and kept her look absolutely minimal. On the other hand, Siddhant looked handsome in a pink t-shirt teamed with black pants. This incident sparks rumours that they both are in a relation.