It is known that Mass Maharaj Ravi Teja's nephew, Maadhav is coming with a film titled "Mr. Idiot". The film also, features Simran Sharma as the heroine. Produced by JJR Ravichand under the banner of JJR Entertainments and Ms. Yalamanchi Rani, the film is directed by Gauri Ronanki, who achieved commercial success with "Pelli Sanda D."
RaviTeja released the teaser of "Mr. Idiot" on social media. The teaser is full of youthful vibe with a cheerful lovestory. The lead pair looks charming and fits the bill perfectly. The college backdrop love story seems strike a chord with the audience.
The teaser introduces Satya (played by Simran Sharma), a top student at Dhruva Fashion Designing College, known for her unbeatable design skills. During this time, Hero (Maadhav) enters the college and playfully teases Satya, calling her a "multiple." The teaser intriguingly showcases how their tumultuous friendship evolves into love. Maadhav channels the energetic essence of RaviTeja and impresses with both his stylish appearance and performance.
"Mr. Idiot," which has completed all production stages, is set for a grand theatrical release soon. Music is being composed by Anup.Rubens while Cinematography is by Ram. The release date will be announced by the makers.