Vijay Devarakonda-Dil Raju-Ravi Kiran Kola project concept poster unveiled. Following the lukewarm reception of The Family Star, the ever-energetic Vijay Deverakonda is back with a bang! He's joining forces with renowned filmmaker Dil Raju for a rural action drama helmed by the talented Ravi Kiran Kola, known for his captivating work in Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru.
The excitement reached a fever pitch on Vijay Deverakonda's birthday as the team unveiled a gripping poster. It features the charismatic actor wielding a sharp weapon, surrounded by blood splatter, hinting at an intense and action-packed storyline. Fans are already buzzing with anticipation, eager to witness Vijay Deverakonda in this raw and rustic avatar.
While the search for the leading lady is still underway, this pan-Indian project promises grandeur and scale, backed by Dil Raju's prestigious Sri Venkateswara Creations banner.
Fans of Vijay Devarakonda are hoping that this time, Rowdy Star will come with more riveting performance and intense action drama to blow the minds of all at the box office.