Complete actor Mohan Lal for the first time is donning director's hat for a 3D fantasy film titled Barroz. Earlier, the film was scheduled to release on March 28. But, it was announced that Mohanlal's directorial debut Barroz will hit the screens for this year's Onam on September 12. Produced by Antony Perumbavoor under the banner of Aashirvad Cinemas, it features Mohanlal in the titular role. The release announcement poster features him along with a child actor.
Billed as a 3D fantasy adventure, Barroz, is made on a humongous budget, with its director Mohanlal, also playing the titular role. Based on the mythical story Barroz: Guardian of D’Gama’s Treasure by director Jijo Punnoose, the movie was in the making for a long time. Finally, the release date of the movie has been confirmed by Mohanlal himself. The film will be released in theatres on Onam Festival on September 12.
Only recently, a behind-the-scenes video was unveiled which showed Mohanlal calling the shots on the sets of the film. The video also gave a glimpse into the immense production design of the movie. The film's technical crew includes cinematographer Santosh Sivan, production designer Santhosh Raman, and editor B Ajithkumar. While Lydian Nadhaswaram, the young pianist who won the American television talent show The World’s Best, serves as the film's music director, Hollywood-based composer Mark Kilian handles the background music.
Meanwhile, Mohanlal is currently shooting for Tharun Moorthy's film, tentatively titled L 360, which also stars Shobana. His upcoming slate includes Lucifer's second part Empuraan, directed by Prithviraj Sukumaran, Jeethu Joseph's Ram, the multilingual period epic Vrushabha, and Joshiy's Rambaan.