Sundeep Kishan, after an impressive debut with 'Prasthanam', has become popular actor by trying different genres in multiple languages. His body next door looks and talent fetched him unique subjects. He is one of the promising actors from the younger lot in Tollywood. Sundeep Kishan didn't confined himself to Telugu but also doing Tamil films made him familiar in Kollywood too.
Right from his debut with Prasthanam, Sundeep Kishan has impressed in a grey shaded role followed by youthful Sneha Geetham. During his early stage of his career Sundeep got offer in Bollywood film Shor In The City directed by Raj & DK, directors of The Family Man series. This director duo share a special bonding with Sundeep - later they produced D For Dopidi in Telugu with Sundeep as one of the leads and even wrote him a special role in The Family Man series too.
Venkatadri Express gave a big break to Sundeep's career. The hilarious entertainer which happens in a one night train journey has became a runaway hit. Then, his films Beeruva and Tiger became successful at the Box-office and earned him more fame. Sundeep got his first success in Tamil with Maanagaram which marks the directorial debut of Lokesh Kanagaraj. His third Tamil film Maayavan won accolades for its unique sci-fi plot.
Sundeep turned Producer and made films Ninu Veedani Needanu Nene, A1 Express and Vivaha Bhojanambu. His recent film Ooru Peru Bhairavakona which is a mystical thriller gave his much respite by turning out to be a decent hit at the boxoffice. He was also seen in a crucial role in Dhanush's pre-independance film Captain Miller. He has lined up.multiple projects, MayaOne, SK30 and Vibe.
CineJosh wishing the young and hardworking actor, Sundeep Kishan a very happy birthday. Wishing him a great success ahead with his upcoming films.