Once hailed as a bankable hero in Telugu cinema, Varun Sandesh faced setbacks due to unfortunate choices in film selection, causing a temporary hiatus in his career. However, the resilient actor is now poised for a remarkable comeback, albeit in character roles within prominent projects.
His latest endeavor, "Chitram Choodara," signals a fresh chapter in his career trajectory. Breaking away from traditional theatrical releases, the film has opted for an OTT platform, with ETV Win securing its streaming rights. Anticipation surges as the release date is set for May 9, 2024, promising audiences a riveting viewing experience from the comfort of their screens.
The first-look poster unveils a captivating glimpse into the film's intriguing narrative, with Varun Sandesh, Dhanraj, and Kasi Vishwanath depicted in an enigmatic scenario within a police station. As the plot unfolds, viewers can expect a gripping crime drama enriched by the talents of Aditi Gautam and Ravi Babu, who are set to essay key roles in this cinematic venture.
With "Chitram Choodara," Varun Sandesh embarks on a new phase of his career, embracing the evolution of storytelling through digital platforms while captivating audiences with his nuanced performances. As the countdown begins for its digital debut, the anticipation for this compelling tale continues to soar.