Mrunal Thakur set the stage on fire at the Bombay Times Fashion Week with a bold and glamorous look that has since ignited social media. The actress stunned in a mesmerizing pink sequined lehenga, radiating under the spotlight. The daring low-neck blouse of the ensemble accentuated her sculpted physique, while the intricate sequin detailing exuded opulence at every turn.
Completing her ensemble with a matching necklace and earrings, Mrunal elevated the glamour quotient to new heights. To harmonize with the vibrant pink attire, she opted for a striking makeup palette featuring bold pink eyeliner and coordinating lipstick. The glossy finish added a touch of refinement, complementing her cascading, open curls that framed her face exquisitely.
While the lehenga's sheer beauty garnered widespread acclaim, it was the audacious low neckline and midriff-baring design that truly ignited discussions online. Mrunal's confidence and fearless approach to fashion have been lauded by many, although some have debated the boldness of the outfit.
Despite the mixed reactions, there's no denying that Mrunal Thakur stole the spotlight at Bombay Times Fashion Week. This bold fashion statement comes on the heels of her recent film 'Family Star,' which faced a minor setback at the box office alongside Vijay Deverakonda. However, Mrunal's undeniable talent and captivating presence shine through, reaffirmed by her ability to command attention both on and off the screen.