The makers of Sundar C-starrer and directorial, Aranmanai 4 unveiled the 'Jo Jo' video song from the film, on Monday. Also starring Tamannaah, Raashi Khanna, Santhosh Prathap and Yogi Babu among others, the film is all set to hit theatres on Friday, May 3 through Asian Suresh Entertainments.
Hiphop Tamizha is the music composer for Aranmanai 4 / Baak. The lullaby-like song, 'Jo Jo' has vocals by Meenakshi Ilayaraja and lyrics by Ko Sesha. The visuals feature a happy family with Tamannaah and Santhosh as the parents of a son and a daughter.
Talking about the plotline, Sundar C previously shared at the film's trailer launch event that he heard of Assamese folklore about Baak, a water demon, which, according to legends, was one of the many reasons why even flourishing empires couldn't spread beyond Brahmaputra River.
The supporting cast of Aranmanai 4 / Baak also features, Kovai Sarala, VTV Ganesh, Rajaendran, and Singapuli. Aranmanai 4 / Baak is backed by Benz Media Pvt Ltd and Avni Cinemax (P) Ltd. The technical crew of the film also includes Fenny Oliver S as the editor and Esakki Krishnasamy as the cinematographer.