Chiranjeevi to campaign for JSP-TDP-BJP alliance. Initially, reports suggested that Megastar Chiranjeevi would be enjoying a European vacation and abstaining from campaigning for his brother Pawan Kalyan's Janasena Party in the Pithapuram constituency. However, recent claims from Janasena leaders have ignited a political firestorm, suggesting that Chiranjeevi is poised for a grand return to the political arena.
According to Janasena's canvassing star, '30 Years' Prithvi, Chiranjeevi's motivation stems not just from familial ties but from a desire to see Andhra Pradesh governed by an NDA-led coalition comprising the Telugu Desam Party, Janasena, and BJP. It is reported that Chiranjeevi will actively participate in campaigning from May 5th to 11th, delivering impactful speeches at various rallies, even postponing his film shoots to prioritize this political endeavor.
If these claims hold true, Chiranjeevi's involvement could significantly alter the political landscape. His star power and influence could sway voters and potentially impact the election outcome. However, it also opens the door for potential backlash, with the incumbent party likely to scrutinize his past political affiliations and statements.
Whether Chiranjeevi's return to the political stage materializes remains to be seen. However, the possibility has undoubtedly injected a dose of excitement and uncertainty into the Andhra Pradesh elections.