Nephew of renowned producer Dil Raju, Ashish is coming with an interesting horror romantic thriller 'Love Me: Of You Dare' co-starring Vaishnavi Chaitanya as the female lead. The teaser of the film has garnered widespread praise for its intriguing content, while the team's decision to revive the tradition of audio launch events in Tollywood has sparked considerable interest.
Directed by Arun Bhimavarapu, "Love Me" was initially slated for release on April 25. However, the film has been pushed to a later date due to elections and other factors. Now, makers finalised the release date of the film. As the polling in both Telugu states will be done by May 13 and a couple of releases were scheduled for that week. Makers locked 'Love Me' for May 25th.
A unique aspect of "Love Me" is its protagonist's romantic involvement with a ghost, a narrative twist kept under wraps to surprise and thrill audiences in theaters. The film boasts music by the Oscar-winning MM Keeravani, further adding to its allure. Renowned lensman, PC Sriram is handling the cinematography.
Love Me is a special film in the careers of Ashish Reddy and Vaishnavi Chaitanya, as it is their second film. The horror thriller is produced by Dil Raju's daughter Hanshita Reddy, along with Harshith Reddy. The teaser of the film gives the idea that Love Me is a romantic thriller. The film will hit the theatres on 25th May.