Mahesh fans furious with Pawan Kalyan. In a recent election campaign, Pawan Kalyan's reference to Superstar Krishna and NTR has reportedly upset Mahesh Babu's fans on social media. Fans of Krishna and Mahesh, interpreting the reference as a commentary on culture, began protesting on various platforms. However, it's important to consider the context of past political differences. After the Telugu Desam Party came to power in 1983, Krishna joined the Congress Party due to his disagreement with NTR's policies.
During this time, some political cartoons were created, including ones titled "The Secret of Gandipet," "Adventure is My Breath," and "My Calling is Prabhanjanam." These cartoons led to challenges for actors like Kota Srinivasa Rao, who faced opposition and had to stay away from opportunities for a few years after playing a role similar to Annagari in "Mandaladhishudu."
These political differences, however, occurred in a relatively friendly atmosphere. For instance, when NTR encountered Vijayanirmala, he jokingly asked whether she was done making films about him. The current generation of fans may be less aware of these historical nuances. Pawan's mention of "Sanskaram" without deep analysis sparked a quarrel, as he has not been known to engage with senior actors other than Krishna and NTR.
Given the intense heat of the election season, there is an increased scrutiny of everything said and done. It is important to view these incidents as a consequence of the current political climate.