Mr Bachchan which marks the mass reunion of Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja and director Harish Shankar has wrapped up a 30-day-long schedule in Uttar Pradesh. Director Harish Shankar and the film’s team visited Ayodhya Temple and took the blessings of Ram Lalla on the successful completion of a key schedule. They also shared a video showing the glimpses from the director’s visit to the temple.
Harish Shankar is shooting the movie at his usual fast pace. He is presenting Ravi Teja in a power-packed character. Jagapathi Babu is playing a crucial role and the character poster was unveiled recently. The movie stars Bhagyashri Borse playing the female lead opposite Ravi Teja.
Mr Bachchan is an official remake of Ajay Devgn's Bollywood superhit Raid. Ravi Teja is playing a honest government official who will go to any length in performing his duties. Harish Shankar is said to made enough changes to suit the Telugu nativity. TG Vishwa Prasad is bankrolling the project grandly under the banner of People Media Factory. Vivek Kuchibhotla is the co-producer.
Naam Tho Suna Hoga is the tagline of the movie that has music by Mickey J Meyer. Ayananka Bose takes care of cinematography, whereas Avinash Kolla is the production designer. Ujwal Kulkarni is the editor. The makers will announce the film’s release date, after the remaining production work is done.